National Security of Intelligence (NSI) job facilities and problems


National Security of Intelligence NSI (CNP) application starts from today. As a former member of this organization, I am sharing some things in the light of my own experience. 

Exam Procedure: Pre Written Computer Test Vibe Medical Verification All these steps have to be passed to become a member of this organization. (I will post another day about exam pattern and manning) 

Pay Allowance: Grade wise pay allowance similar to other Govt jobs. Also you will get TA bill (6-8 thousand, depending on the rank), handing expenses (1500 or above), ration facility. These bills go up and down from time to time, like the TA bill went down during the Corona crisis. In general you will get benefits of more than 8-12 thousand rupees from other entire government jobs. 

Promotion: Field Staff->JFO->Field Officer->Assistant Director->Deputy Director->Joint Director or higher post. You can go far according to your skills and qualifications. From 17th grade field staff can easily go to 10th/9th grade, if luck helps you can get 6th grade in last life. Earlier, Junior Field Officers were directly recruited, now they will be filled from the field staff. 

Job Type: Being a security related organization, privacy is the top priority of this organization. The main task is to collect the necessary information. There are no fixed office hours. Work Environment: Enjoyed the time I was there. Chain of command is very important here. The workload depends a lot on where your posting is. Since compliance with the instructions of the controlling officer is mandatory, good or bad depends a lot on the controlling officer. 

Why come?: Speaking of salary and allowances, you will get much better facilities than other jobs. Besides, you will get a lot of social status, most of the people in the area consider it a lot. (I don't see as good a reaction from people after becoming a senior officer as I have seen after becoming a JFO here). Where a government job is a golden deer, getting a job in NSI is even bigger. 

Why not come?: If you have ambitions, want to become BCS cadre or something, then don't get that opportunity from here. Basically don't get permission to take the exam (was one of the reasons I quit my job). Currently recruiting with bond signings. Besides, it is better not to join here with the mentality of corruption.

Postings and Leave: Desire of the posting authority. In the same position my friend got a posting 40 km away from home, it used to take 10-12 hours to travel to my home.

There is no opportunity to take leave whenever you want. There is no weekly closure as Friday is Saturday. A lot of on call duty. (Of course, this is not entirely applicable to those who do office work).

If you know anything else, you can comment. I will try to answer as much as possible.

Rather than entering the job unknowingly and suffering from turmoil, even if you enter knowingly, you will get peace of mind.

Good luck to all.

 - Zainul Hasan.

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